Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison's The Hollows series follows the life of Rachel Morgan, a young witch who begins the story as a runner for the I.S. (Interlander Security), a government-run section of Interlanders responsible for apprehending and ensuring that all interlanders follow the IS Law to the letter. The Turn, which is the title given to the great reveal to humans that Interlanders have co-existed among their kind for centuries, consisting of vampires, werewolves, pixies, fairies, witches, gargoyles, trolls, and basically every other fairy-tale myth legendary creature ever written about. The Turn was brought about when a virus wiped out the majority of the human population and Interlanders were forced to reveal why their numbers were not affected by the virus. In the series, Rachel befriends one of the IS's best runners, a born-vamp named Ivy, and her, Ivy, and a pixy named Jenks, who was subcontracted out by the IS, decide to leave the IS and start their own runner business. After Rachel barely escapes the IS's death threat, she must now learn how to live with a born-vamp that has control issues with her blood lust while also trying to earn enough money with her own business to pay the rent. While her job constantly puts her life in danger, Rachel tends to be a magnet for danger and the story dives into the life and love of the trio throughout their many runs.
For more information, visit Kim Harrison's home page.

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