About me

I am a single mother, raising three awesome kids, ages 7, 9, and 14. I currently work at HSBC, the World's Local Bank, as a Collector II. Although this is not my dream career, it is a nice place to work, with good benefits and decent pay for the area that I live in. I recently received my Associate's degree in Information Technology, with a concentration in Tech Support, at the University of Phoenix. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, with a concentration in Database Administration.

My Inspiration

Picture of Ryne

Ryne, my only son and the youngest, begins first grade next year. He loves playing video games on his Playstation3, XBOX 360, PSP, Wii, Nintendo DS, the PC, and other various game consoles.

Kylie, my middle child, is one of the best-behaved children I have ever known. She loves all animals, even bugs, and has a big heart when it comes to anything related to the care of animals.

My oldest daughter, Alexus, is going into high school next year and already she fits the role of teenager to the "T". She is a cheerleader in her second year cheering for both basketball and football and she is in her second year of gymnastics.

My Hobbies

Balancing a full-time job, full-time school, and raising three children can be very hectic, at times. Some days, it seems there is rarely time for me to breathe. When I do get a chance to do something, just for me, I usually opt for reading one of my books on my Kindle. I absolutely love my IPad2 and my Kindle. Pre-IPad/Kindle days, I used to go to the library every six weeks and check out about twenty books that I would renew two times each and then repeat the cycle after I finished reading them all. To say I like to read is an understatement.

Another favorite past-time of mine is creative writing. Whenever I was younger, I used to spend a lot of time writing poetry and songs. When I first got married and had children, I quit reading and writing for pleasure for a very long time. Recently, after my re-introduction back into the world of literature, I found that not only do I enjoy reading the books, I also enjoy creating characters of my own and building an entire world around those characters. It is an excellent stress-reliever and something that I thoroughly enjoy.

Aside from reading and creative writing, I also enjoy tearing things apart, figuring out what makes them "tick", and then putting them back together. I love troubleshooting problems to find definite solutions. I am one of the few people in the world that actual enjoys math and figuring out unknown solutions. These, however, are not what one would call "hobbies". So, if I must list additional "hobbies" that I enjoy whenever I get the chance (which is not very often), I would have to say that I enjoy singing Karaoke on the PlayStation3 (Singstar Volume 2), shooting a game of pool, throwing darts, swimming, dancing, browsing the Internet, watching television and movies, playing Texas Hold-em poker, shopping, and playing various computer and PC games.