Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games series introduces a world where the government, known as the Capital, leads the surrounding 12 districts, and only those who live in the Capital are allowed to eat as much as they want and enjoy the fruits of the 12 districts' labor. Over a hundred or more years ago, there were 13 districts, but District 13 had a revolt against the Capital, resulting in the bombing and annihilation of the entire district. Because of this war, the Capital decided to create the Hunger Games as a reminder that the Capital is the leader among all the districts. Each year, one boy and one girl from each of the 12 remaining districts, between the ages of 12 and 17 (or 18-can't remember) is chosen to go to an arena to fight to the death. Only one survives. The victor returns to their home district, living on Victor Row, where they are lavished in riches for the rest of their life. The victors will become sponsors for the next year's games. In this series, 17-year old Katniss Everdeen volunteers as tribute to take her sister's place, Primrose Everdeen, who is only 12-years-old. The series is a trilogy, with the first story The Hunger Games highlighting Katniss's role in the games. Book two is Catching Fire and book three is Mockingjay . I do not want to give too many details about the trilogy away and ruin your reading enjoyment, but let's just say it is definitely a must-read and will be a classic. There is already a Hunger Games movie released early 2012, which was a hit at the box office!

Visit Suzanne Collins' home page.

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