Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Last Embers of Love

©2012, Michele Evans

We used to set the room ablaze with the passion we’d create.
A look or stolen glance led to stomach flutters and a thudding heart rate.
The first thought in the morning and the last before I’d go to sleep.
We used to chat for hours about our future and the promises we’d keep.
But that was so long ago, it seems like an eternity has passed since then.
Those memories fade away and the bad ones replay over and over again.
In my mind I visualize the fights, the yelling, the crying, and the tears.
Pushing each other’s buttons and visions of chaos throughout the years.
I was a convenient doormat, someone to drag down and ridicule.
Venomous words of hate you learned to yield as a useful tool.
Once independent and strong, forced to be subservient and weak.
Not allowed to stand up for myself, not allowed to feel or speak.
I remember the Sunday morning when I finally began to see.
It was like waking from a nightmare or having an epiphany.
The invisible chains that held me to you began to slowly wither away.
I discovered a part of me, deep down, that would no longer be your prey.
The first step was realizing you were never going to change.
Next was finding my inner strength and the will to rearrange.
New hobbies, new interests, new values, at any price or cost.
I could no longer sit idly by while my dreams and hopes were lost.

The Love that Lost Its Flame

© 2012, Michele Evans

I long for touch, and whispers of delight.
To have and to hold were the vows we made.
His bedside is empty, night after night.
I cry in the dark; my tears will not fade.

We built a life together, just us two.
Soon it all came crashing to a sad end.
I sit and contemplate – what did I do?
More than a lover, I lost my best friend.

Forever is stretched out in front of me.
I gave my all and have nothing to show.
Could I have prevented this tragedy,
if I would have known then what I now know?

Forever alone, endlessly single.
Not bold enough to learn how to mingle.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake - Vampire Hunter series follows Anita Blake, an animator (someone who has the ability to raise zombies from the dead) and a vampire hunter. Throughout the series, Anita struggles with her discovery that not all supernaturals are "monsters." She works on a task force, as the supernatural expert, with the St. Louis police department to investigate murders that were caused by supernaturals. She also works for a firm that raises the dead for courts, individuals, and companies. If someone needs to know something from someone who has passed away, they call in an animator. Anita gains a close relationship with a Master vampire of the city of St. Louis, Jean Claude, and also meets many new and interesting friends throughout the series.

Visit Laurell K. Hamilton's home page.

Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games series introduces a world where the government, known as the Capital, leads the surrounding 12 districts, and only those who live in the Capital are allowed to eat as much as they want and enjoy the fruits of the 12 districts' labor. Over a hundred or more years ago, there were 13 districts, but District 13 had a revolt against the Capital, resulting in the bombing and annihilation of the entire district. Because of this war, the Capital decided to create the Hunger Games as a reminder that the Capital is the leader among all the districts. Each year, one boy and one girl from each of the 12 remaining districts, between the ages of 12 and 17 (or 18-can't remember) is chosen to go to an arena to fight to the death. Only one survives. The victor returns to their home district, living on Victor Row, where they are lavished in riches for the rest of their life. The victors will become sponsors for the next year's games. In this series, 17-year old Katniss Everdeen volunteers as tribute to take her sister's place, Primrose Everdeen, who is only 12-years-old. The series is a trilogy, with the first story The Hunger Games highlighting Katniss's role in the games. Book two is Catching Fire and book three is Mockingjay . I do not want to give too many details about the trilogy away and ruin your reading enjoyment, but let's just say it is definitely a must-read and will be a classic. There is already a Hunger Games movie released early 2012, which was a hit at the box office!

Visit Suzanne Collins' home page.

Chloe Neill

Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampires series follows Merit, a graduate student, turned vampire against her will, and forced into the supernatural world of vampires and vampire politics. She learns to be loyal to the master vampire who turned her and saved her life the night another vampire left her for dead, and discovers that she is a strong woman along the way. She also can't help her attraction for the Lord of the manor, Ethan Sullivan.

Visit Chloe Neill's home page.

Jeanine Frost

Jeanine Frost's The Night Huntress series introduces a half-vampire heroine named Cat Crawfield and a Master vampire named Bones (real name Crispin). In this series, the two start off to a rocky start, because Cat's main goal in life is using her powers to sense other vampires to hunt them and Bones becomes one of her next victims. Bones turns the table and captures her instead, ruining her perfect record of kills. Instead of killing Cat, Bones makes her a deal. She works for him, as a bounty hunter for bad vampires, and he lets her live. What girl would refuse that offer? Work with a sexy vampire each night and remain alive? Without ruining where the story goes from there, I will just say that each book keeps you at the edge of your street. There's drama, suspense, and hot fiery romance. A definite must-read.

Jeanine is also introducing a new series, a spinoff from her The Night Huntress series, called The Night Prince series. Vlad, one of the Master vampires from her first series, is the hero in this new series to be introduced June 26, 2012 with the first book Once Burned

Visit Jeanine Frost's home page.

JR Ward

JR Ward's The Black Dagger Brotherhood series introduces a world where vampires are the good guys and the evil guys are called lessers, which are humans turned into dark creatures, with pale skin, and a sweet smell. The Black Dagger Brotherhood are a group of warriors that are part of a brotherhood that defends the vampire race from extinction from the lessers. The brotherhood are strong warriors, the best of the best, chosen at birth to become the defenders of the vampire race. Along the way, each new book of the series takes a closer look into the life of the Brotherhood and how each find true mates and love.

JR Ward also has a series on Angels called The Fallen Angels series, which I have not read in its entirety yet, but the books are bestsellers and on my list to read soon.

Visit JR Ward's home page.